Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps filed a lawsuit on Monday accusing several popular cosmetic manufacturers of deceptive marketing. Filed in San Francisco Superior Court, the lawsuit targets brands such as Estee Lauder, Kiss My Face, Hain Celestial, and Stella McCartney America, several of which are members of OASIS, a new but controversial organic beauty label.
In the lawsuit, the good doctor charges the firms of false advertising by labeling their lotions and soaps "organic," even though they contain relatively little organic material, comprise synthetic chemicals, and use petrochemicals in processing.
"This is the corrosive marketing of the cosmetics industry that hollowed out the meaning of 'natural' and now is doing the same with 'organic'," David Bronner, president of the 60-year-old company, tells the San Francisco Chronicle. ::San Francisco Chronicle
In the lawsuit, the good doctor charges the firms of false advertising by labeling their lotions and soaps "organic," even though they contain relatively little organic material, comprise synthetic chemicals, and use petrochemicals in processing.
"This is the corrosive marketing of the cosmetics industry that hollowed out the meaning of 'natural' and now is doing the same with 'organic'," David Bronner, president of the 60-year-old company, tells the San Francisco Chronicle. ::San Francisco Chronicle
Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap 起緣自150年前德國的猶太人肥皂品牌, 二戰後移民美國創立的品牌.
2003獲有機認證, 2007獲公平交易Fair Trade認證, 拍記錄片做行銷. 今年慶祝六十週年, 向大品牌提出法律訴訟, 指控各大品牌不實標示和廣告, 作風勇敢!