Renewable. Recyclable. Biodegradeable. Sustainable. Compostable. Natural. Fair Trade. Healthy. Environmental Stewardship. Green.
They’re marketing’s top buzz words. Sales of organic products were expected to top $20 billion last year, up from $10 billion in 2003.
They’re marketing’s top buzz words. Sales of organic products were expected to top $20 billion last year, up from $10 billion in 2003.
提出Washington Tree & Lawn Care為例子, 這是一家賣殺蟲劑的公司, 看看它是怎麼樣推廣產品的:
*They conduct a free analysis of your yard and make recommendations based on the type of vegetation you have.
*They don’t require you to sign up for a program; you can mix-and-match applications to your heart’s content.
*Once you become a customer, their technicians will stop by at your request to troubleshoot problems…again, for free.
*They’ve been in business since 1948 and know pretty much everything there is to know about fertilizer, weed ’n feed, and insecticides.
*They don’t require you to sign up for a program; you can mix-and-match applications to your heart’s content.
*Once you become a customer, their technicians will stop by at your request to troubleshoot problems…again, for free.
*They’ve been in business since 1948 and know pretty much everything there is to know about fertilizer, weed ’n feed, and insecticides.
有機農法叫好不叫座, 是有執行上的困難. 歷史的進步都是有心人嘔心瀝血不計代價的堅持,
不斷試驗研究, 排除萬難, 創造規則的路程是夠艱辛的!