via: eco-worrier(a blog) June 20. 2008.
These days, it's all change. I go straight into the garden. Breath in the morning smells, examine the snail damage from the night before and generally take an inventory of what’s going on out there. It’s lovely, even though the sun has rarely reached it and barefoot, in my nighty, it’s chilly. But this isn’t proper gardening time. I resist the urge to check my tomato plants for aphids (here's one in the picture), or pinch out any shoulder branches, or even excavate tiny slugs from my strawberries. Otherwise I’d never get to work. Instead I wander around taking deep breaths, listening to birds and wondering if the neighbours think I'm a loon.
作者Anna Shepard是英國報紙專欄作家, 剛剛出版一本新書: How green Are My Wellies?: Small Steps And Giant Leaps To Green Living With Style. 台灣一定會有樂活部落客, 用部落格記錄樂活的生活內容和態度, 最後集結出書.
每天早晨逛花草園, 正是我寫部落格以來的寫照, 與Anna Shapard同樣心愛蕃茄!