[revolution] :Sustainability, green, climate change, fair trade, ethical, CSR, eco-chic.
Lots of words for the biggest and most exciting thing happening right now. Unless you've been living on Mars you can't avoid the conversations that are currently taking place. Whether it's the biggest challenge of our lives, climate change, or the massive opportunities presented by the new 'ethical consumer', what Futerra's been doing for seven years is hot.
兩位創辦人在大學都是修習"永續發展"(Sustainable Development)多年顧問工作後, 認為溝通傳播是永續經濟非常需要的一環. 七年來業務已經從英國發展到美國和中國, 這樣專業顧問公司和傳統的, 有何不同? (1)客戶或溝通對象, 是政府機構或非營利事業的比率非常高! (2)大型企業的內部溝通, 是企業環保政策, 綠色政策, 能否成功的關鍵, 例如Futerra公司2007年, 協助 Tesco 特易購公司針對分佈在700據點的 200000名員工, 宣導綠色政策.
p.s.:英國零售業巨擘Saintsbury 和Tesco, 在此議題競爭非常激烈, 或許將引領全世界零售業環保措施的走向.