2008年7月17日 星期四
瑞典生態小城_Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm

2008年7月12日 星期六
2008 Natural Health. Conscious Choice Awards

獎項分成四大類, 各有三個得主, 共12個得獎廠商(品牌), 均為遺一時之選, 十分值德參考.
Each month, we recognize one of these businesses with our Conscious Choice award . This year, we expanded the concept to recognize large and small companies alike that are leading the way in making the world a better place. We hope you'll seek them out the next time you're at the grocery or health food store or your local mall.
2008年7月11日 星期五
加拿大Financial Post Business雜誌綠色封面主題報導

via : Financial Post Magazine. Canada. July 2008.
"Our environmental goals," Scott said, "are simple and straightforward: to be supplied 100% by renewable energy; to create zero waste; to sell products that sustain our resources and environment." It was an extraordinary pledge.

David Droga, Chairman, Droga5
Leading North American advertising and marketing agency GSD&M hired Ci as in-house experts on consumers and sustainability as part of their Best-in-Class program. This includes facilitation of workshops and consultation sessions, creation and presentation of strategic frameworks around consumers and sustainability for specific brands, consumer target strategies and recommendations, presentation of marketing communication and messaging ideas related to consumers and sustainability. GSD&M Clients have included national and international brands such as BMW, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Wal-Mart, Southwest Airlines to name a few.
2008年7月10日 星期四

2008年7月5日 星期六

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Marketers aiming to shift their audiences toward making greener purchasing decisions are coming up short for the vast majority of the population, although a small subset is green enough to help spread the environmental awareness on their own.
Those are the findings of two new studies released this week, one by the Tennessee-based advertising agency Shelton Group, and the other by communications firm Porter Novelli.
The Shelton Group’s “Eco Pulse” study asked consumers nationwide to identify products, services or certifications that were required in order to have a green home. With no prompting, nearly half of all respondents were essentially unable to name one feature of a green home, and small portions of the remaining sample cited examples like solar power, CFL light bulbs, home recycling or Energy Star products.
Read more
綠色web2.0媒體範例ecnoing green

Echoing Green was established in 1987 by the senior leadership of General Atlantic, LLC.
As the Story Goes...
Echoing Green’s founders had great success in the private sector and were looking to bring proven venture capital investment strategies to the social sector. The idea for Echoing Green was sparked in an overstuffed car en route from Connecticut to New York. Upon reaching the destination, a commitment to launch Echoing Green was made. Through the creation of Echoing Green, General Atlantic has helped pioneer the strategy of applying entrepreneurial principles to social sector investing.
Our Name
Named after a William Blake poem, Echoing Green opened its doors in 1987 and supported successful recent business school graduates (such as Diana Propper de Callejon—who is credited as our first investment) to work in the social sector. Although Echoing Green’s program evolved throughout the years, we have consistently supported visionary leaders and their innovative ideas for social change.
Like some venture capital firms, we consider ourselves active investors—not just providing funding, but also helping our social entrepreneurs achieve their maximum potential through a range of support services, including training, networking opportunities, consulting, and championing. Similarly, we view our fellows as investment partners, with whom we collaborate as they build and grow their organizations and with whom we hope to have a long-term relationship.
Still supported by our original founders, Echoing Green is celebrating its 21st anniversary and continues to search the world for new leaders who have untested, smart ideas that deserve to be implemented.
美國公共電視台〔新應雄The New Heroes 〕節目

Airs on PBS stations Tuesdays, June 28 and July 5, 2005
The New Heroes tells the dramatic stories of 14 daring people from all corners of the globe who, against all odds, are successfully alleviating poverty and illness, combating unemployment and violence, and bringing education, light, opportunity and freedom to poor and marginalized people around the world.
Also known as "social entrepreneurs," they develop innovations that bring life-changing tools and resources to people desperate for viable solutions. What is possible? You'd be surprised. Take a journey into a world where people take action to make a big difference.
Read an online chat with the New Heroes at washingtonpost.com.
綠色閱讀(24):Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want

綠色閱讀(23): 清醒的企業:提升工作價值的七項修練
你說工作是地獄。日復一日的職場壓力與挫折,徹底顛覆你的自我價值。我說工作是天堂。只要穿透情緒障礙,就能把企業化為自我實現的沃土。讓本書釋放你的工作熱情,跨出清醒的第一步。清醒的意識(Consciousness)能造就一個偉大的組織。本書所談的「Conscious Business」代表從你的工作中尋找熱情並實踐你的基本價值,並將企業轉化為清醒的企業。作者主張,有意識的企業人應該具備無條件的責任感,正直人格,謙虛為懷,真誠溝通,能以建設性角度進行協商協調,並有高度控制情緒的能力。而這樣的企業人組成清醒的企業。能致力提升所有利害關係人的福祉,藉著團結相關社群並尊重所有成員,創造出可長可久的優異績效。本書能協助讀者:‧ 成為自己生活的主人‧ 堅持道德與品格‧ 以誠待人,有效溝通‧ 勇於負責達成績效‧ 成為領導典範
1 Conscious Business Criteria
1.1 1. Doing No Harm
1.2 2. Triple Bottom Line Model
1.2.1 People:
1.2.2 Planet:
1.3 3. Above and Beyond
2 Conscious Business Versus Social Responsibility
3 Conscious Businesses
4 Conscious Business Versus Sustainability
5 Resources for more information:
*相對應的部落格http://consciousbusiness.blogspot.com/ 似乎與本書作者無關, 但精彩!
2008年7月4日 星期五
Green Event是值得在台北開辦的新事業

Next year, I plan to lobby our homeowners association to order her potato starch utensils, sugar cane hot cups instead of this plethora of plastic. When I Googled ‘sustainable celebrations’ to get some tips to serve up to our board, irony astounded me, as it led me back to one of our own Shaping Youth media mavens, Sara Ost, formerly of Flamin’ Fuji fame and Healthbolt!
Sara, who ranted along with me about kids’ food marketing, has now taken her green scene to a bright new venture as Editor in Chief of the green gathering spot, EcoSalon, which showed up with this article, Sustainable Spreads on the 4th —Talk about ‘what goes around comes around!’ I’m thrilled to see Sara hasn’t abandoned the kids wellness arena in favor of her new green zine.
I’ll interview her soon, to find out how EcoSalon differs from other fresh pickins like Greenzer, EcoMom Alliance, Green Girls Guide, Enviromom, EcoStiletto, and EcoFabulous shopping entities, especially since yours truly will soon be writing for EcoChild’s Play hoping to invite some of the Green Options network aboard Shaping Youth’s team of positive pros.
EcoSalon’s ‘we believe’ manifesto includes, “style and sustainability belong in the same sentence, and that an eco-friendly lifestyle can be both ethically satisfying and fashionably fun.”
But I hear that a lot, so I want to dig deeper and find their “USP” as we say in marketing, to impart a greener message that families can use daily beyond selling stuff.
Meanwhile…a few thoughts to impart to kids on the 4th…
Can fireworks go green with high-nitrogen, low carbon mixtures being developed that leave minimal environmental impact? Yes they can…though they cost twice as much.
Can vegans create decent BBQ recipes? Yes, but I’d jazz it up a bit to prove ‘green and healthy’ doesn’t have to be boring.
Patriotic parfaits and mini-flags for kids made of strawberries, blueberries and vanilla yogurt are always my hit at the Q, as are watermelon balls and blueberries using the hollowed out gourd itself as the dish, or sparkling cranberry elixirs, using those fun star-shaped ice-cubes…
But here are much more creative concoctions at a site I just found called Weelicious, “Fast, Easy & Fresh Babyfood” that’s chock full of fun recipes and holiday ideas…
I love seeding the idea of eco-message makeovers and kids teaching parents how to ‘go green’ in fun ways.
After all, even the teen
“Green Marketing” (32%) was another important emerging concept - and it was identified as the trendiest marketing buzzword.
“Sustainable tourism practices and green initiatives are top of mind for our industry and for travelers alike. There is a genuine interest by the hospitality industry to have a better understanding of how environmental concerns influence the traveler’s purchasing behaviour as well as the procurement practices for corporate travel” said Christine Toguchi, Managing Director of HSMAI Asia Pacific and MacroVision Network. The seminar will focus on ‘Going Green’ as a ‘must do’ rather than an apathetic issue only for the ‘nice guys’.Guest speaker Shannon Kilkenny, author of “The Complete Guide To Events Planning”, will explain how greener policies and practices have already been taken up by certain event planners, corporate buyers and global hotel companies and how they incorporate ‘green’ in vendor and supplier proposals.She will also address environmental trends in the MICE industry and Corporate Social Responsibility ‘CSR' for best practices and how the ‘Power of Green’ will not only protect people and the planet but also generate profits. “Green Events” will be in Singapore July 18, Phuket July 22 and Hong Kong July 25.

Web and green marketing are hot; Boomers are still the most important demo, though women, Gen X and Y, and Hispanics are catching up; and marketing basics are more important than ever, according to (pdf) a new survey of marketing executives conducted by Anderson Analytics.
The first annual survey of Marketing Executives Networking Group (MENG), a nearly 1,700-member organization of marketers at a VP-level or higher, sought to identify the top marketing trends in 2008.

They’re marketing’s top buzz words. Sales of organic products were expected to top $20 billion last year, up from $10 billion in 2003.
*They don’t require you to sign up for a program; you can mix-and-match applications to your heart’s content.
*Once you become a customer, their technicians will stop by at your request to troubleshoot problems…again, for free.
*They’ve been in business since 1948 and know pretty much everything there is to know about fertilizer, weed ’n feed, and insecticides.

2008 ImagePower® Green Brands Survey

The research, presented by executives from WPP (NASDAQ: WPPGY) agencies Landor Associates, Cohn & Wolfe, and Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates (PSB) at Sustainable Brands 08, also indicates that two out of three Americans think the environment is in worse shape than it was five years ago, and that lower income consumers have greater concern for the direction of the environment than wealthier consumers. Despite economic considerations, however, consumers are still willing to pay more for green products.
“We have been tracking perceptions of green for over three years, and this year’s results are somewhat alarming in that they indicate consumers only prioritize the environment when all other concerns are equal,” said Russ Meyer, chief strategy officer of Landor Associates. “With agricultural commodities running low and the rising cost of gas in the United States, Americans indicate they have more immediate concerns than the environment. With the United Kingdom also beginning to feel the economic crunch, we see some signs of the mentality there beginning to shift.”
Consumers in both countries identify themselves as having the biggest impact on the environment. Americans list industry as having had the poorest record of environmental protection, while in the UK, government received the most blame.
Additional lead findings indicate that despite the abundance of “green” marketing in the last 12 months, consumers still view baseline activities, such as recycling, to be the most powerful contribution to environmental improvement. Further, though 95 percent of consumers think too much packaging is used on consumer goods, only 38 percent include packaging criteria in purchase decision.
“The results of the 2008 survey suggest that, despite conversations about eco-overload, sustainability is in a nascent stage, especially in the minds of consumers, said Annie Longsworth, president of Cohn & Wolfe San Francisco. “It will take a unified effort, and excellent communication, among government, corporations, NGOs and consumers to ensure environmental concerns remain at the top of the agenda.”
Similar to the 2007 ImagePower® findings, US consumers believe Body Care and Grocery to be the “greenest” product categories, while Travel and Energy remain at the bottom of the list. One of the most significant differences between the 2008 and 2007 findings is the shift in thinking about the most pressing environmental concerns. In 2007, most consumers were concerned about global warming, and this year’s survey shows that energy and resource issues have increased in importance.
In order to gauge which brands are communicating their green initiatives or values most effectively, the survey asked participants in each country to rank their greenest brands, respectively. The results provide a mix of brands across categories; in the U.S., personal care products make up most of the top 10, while in the U.K. supermarkets do the same:
1. Whole Foods
1. Body Shop
2. Burt’s Bees
2. Marks & Spencer
3. Trader Joe’s
3. Waitrose
4. Tom’s of Maine
4. Tesco, Sainsbury’s (tied)
5. Toyota
5. Asda
6. Seventh Generation
6. Dove and Google (tied)
7. Honda and GE (tied)
7. Co-Operative Bank
8. Whirlpool
8. E.ON
9. Aveda
9. Morrisons
10. Method
10. Nivea and Toyota (tied)
“In 2008, the top brands in the US were the ones that you put on or in your body, and in the UK the places where you buy those type of products,” said Scott Siff, Executive Vice President at Penn, Schoen & Berland. “Despite consumers’ high interest in cutting energy consumption, the brands with real potential to reduce energy usage, though high in the green rankings, could still do a better job of connecting to people’s energy-saving impulses more directly, more personally. Doing that would take those brands’ green-ness to the next level of consumer relevance.”
In addition to the annual ranking of brands, the survey also delves deeper into matters like purchasing habits, environmental concerns and consumers’ perceptions of corporate responsibility. Among those issues:
Environmental pessimism. 67% of American consumers and 69% of Britons think we are in worse environmental shape now than we were five years ago. In the U.S., industry is still seen as the most responsible for the problem, though British consumers now point to their own behavior as having the greatest impact.
UK issue switch: from ‘big picture’ to practical solutions. In 2007, 40 percent of British consumers cited ‘climate change’ as the most important environmental issue they face. Now, only 15 percent hold this view and the focus has shifted to tangible matters that affect the individual, such as waste and recycling.
U.S. consumers look to government to provide the solution. The environment is no longer viewed as a grassroots concern: 36 percent of Americans believe it should be up to the government to implement policies and standards to advance environmental change.
Credit crunch fails to deter the U.K.’s committed green shoppers. Despite the worsening economic climate, one in three British consumers say they will spend more on green products this year, and 43 percent are happy to continue spending the same.
Wealthy Americans and Republicans are less concerned than others. 34 percent of Americans earning over $100K annually and 43 percent of Republicans think the country is moving in the right direction. 59 percent of Americans earning less than $35K annually and 70 percent of Democrats think we’re moving in the wrong direction.
British supermarkets win the lucrative green crown. Six of the U.K.’s top 10 green brands in 2008 are supermarket brands – reflecting both concerted green initiatives across the sector and consumers’ practical focus on everyday solutions like packaging, recycling and reduction of plastic bag use.
The ImagePower® Green Brands Survey is conducted annually to gauge consumer perceptions of the “green climate” in both the United States and the United Kingdom. In 2007, the survey uncovered that one-third of Americans were taking part in green activities and that as many as 8 in 10 Britons and Americans alike thought it important or very important to be buying from green brands.
About Landor Landor Associates is one of the world’s leading strategic brand and design consultancies. Founded by Walter Landor in 1941, Landor pioneered many of the research, design and consulting methods that are now standard in the branding industry. Partnering with clients, Landor drives business transformation and performance by creating brands that are more innovative, progressive and dynamic than their competitors.
Landor’s holistic approach to branding is a balance of rigorous, business-driven thinking and exceptional creativity. Its work spans the full breadth of branding services, including brand research and valuation, brand positioning and architecture, naming and writing, corporate identity and consumer packaging design, branded experience, brand equity management, brand engagement and digital branding.
With 24 offices in 18 countries, Landor’s current and past clients include some of the world’s most powerful brands, including BP, Cathay Pacific, Citi, Danone, Delta, Diageo, Emaar Properties, FedEx, Frito-Lay, the City of Hong Kong, HSBC, LG Group, Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble and PepsiCo.
Landor is part of WPP, one of the world’s largest global communications services companies.
For more information, please visit http://www.psbresearch.com/www.landor.com.
About Cohn & WolfeCohn & Wolfe is a strategic marketing public relations agency dedicated to creating, building and protecting the world’s most prolific brands. With offices in North America, Europe and Asia, the agency creates and implements powerful communications programs that help clients build their brands and their bottom lines.
The core areas of expertise include consumer, healthcare, technology and corporate communications. Cohn & Wolfe ranks number one by clients for creativity, media placement, client service, senior management and strategic counsel. Cohn & Wolfe also consistently ranks among the top “Best Agencies to Work For” in an annual, industry-wide employee survey. For more information, visit: www.cohnwolfe.com. Cohn & Wolfe is part of WPP one of the world's largest communications services group.
About Penn, Schoen & Berland AssociatesPenn, Schoen and Berland Associates (PSB) is a market research and strategic communications consultancy with over 30 years of experience in leveraging unique insights about consumer opinion to provide clients with a competitive advantage - what we call Winning Knowledge™. Using a powerful hybrid approach developed from our high-profile work in the corporate, political, and NGO contexts, PSB is a trusted top advisor to Corporate CEOs and national leaders around the world.
Innocent Drinks創業的故事
Innocent Drink是一家做饮料的公司,我们一起来看看这家公司是怎么来讲企业创建的故事的。
1998年,在伦敦的三个好朋友一直在想拥有自己的生意,而背后的信念也非常单纯,"Make life a little bit better and a little bit easier" - 让生活更好,更简单。他们都喜欢喝自己制作的果汁,那种含有果肉的浓浓的纯粹的果汁。当他们有了自己的第一个果汁的配方后,在是否放弃工作去创业这个问题上摇摆不定,他们决定在当地的一个爵士音乐节上做一个尝试,他们购买了500英镑的水果,按照他们的配方榨成果汁去售卖。摊子前面放了一个牌子, 上书“Do you think we should give up our jobs to make these smoothies?” - 您是否认为我们应该放弃工作专门制作这些果汁饮料?然后外边放了两个桶,一个桶上有YES, 一个桶上写NO, 让人们把喝剩的空瓶子投到他们认为该投的桶里。
周末音乐节结束的时候,YES桶满是瓶子,第二天他们就辞职了。 这就是他们创业的故事。这个故事现在还在innocentDrink的网站 。
Competition Bureau Issues [Guidelines for Green Marketing]
Competition Bureau Issues Guidelines for Green Marketing The Competition Bureau, in collaboration with the Canadian Standards Association, has released guidelines that provide the business community with the tools to ensure that green marketing is not misleading, while providing consumers with greater assurance about the accuracy of environmental claims.STORY IN BRIEF
The Guide address a number of commonly used green claims and provides examples of best practices on how claims can be used by businesses.
A one-year transition phase will allow legitimate businesses to change their marketing practices.
The Guide will be used by the Competition Bureau to assess environmental advertising that raise concerns under its legislative mandate. RELATED ARTICLES AND BLOGS:Who is the Better World Consumer?How Green is Your Supply Chain?When Green Isn't GreenFULL TEXT CONTINUED: Environmental Claims: A Guide for Industry and Advertisers addresses a number of commonly used green claims and provides examples of best practices on how such claims can used by businesses to comply with the false or misleading provisions of the laws enforced by the Competition Bureau. Among other practices, the Guide states that:
The use of vague claims implying general environmental improvement are insufficient and should be avoided.
Environmental claims should be clear, specific, accurate and not misleading.
Environmental claims should be verified and substantiated, prior to being made.
"Consumers should not be misled by false environmental claims," said Sheridan Scott, Commissioner of Competition. "Businesses should not make environmental claims unless they can back them up. In the end, this will benefit legitimate businesses and consumers by bringing greater accuracy in advertising to the marketplace.""Environmental claims are of increasing importance as now and innovative 'green' products appear in the market daily," said Suzanne Kiraly, president, Standards, Canadian Standards Association. "CSA utilized its expertise in developing standards that can assist Canadian businesses and advertisers to make more accurate environmental claims. This will help consumers to make informed choices when purchasing products that claim to have a lower overall impact on the environment."The Bureau recognizes companies may wish to reassess their advertising and labeling in light of the Guide. A one-year transition phase will allow legitimate businesses to change their marketing practices, if necessary, and will also allow the Bureau and CSA to raise awareness and understanding on the new environmental guidelines.During this one-year transition period, the Bureau will not hesitate to pursue egregious cases of deceptive environmental claims.Although the Guide is not law, following the best practices outlined will help businesses to avoid making misleading claims that contravene the laws enforced by the Bureau. The Guide will be used by the Bureau to assess environmental advertising that raise concerns under its legislative mandate.
Competition Bureau Issues Guidelines for Green Marketing The Competition Bureau, in collaboration with the Canadian Standards Association, has released guidelines that provide the business community with the tools to ensure that green marketing is not misleading, while providing consumers with greater assurance about the accuracy of environmental claims.STORY IN BRIEF
The Guide address a number of commonly used green claims and provides examples of best practices on how claims can be used by businesses.
A one-year transition phase will allow legitimate businesses to change their marketing practices.
The Guide will be used by the Competition Bureau to assess environmental advertising that raise concerns under its legislative mandate. RELATED ARTICLES AND BLOGS:Who is the Better World Consumer?How Green is Your Supply Chain?When Green Isn't GreenFULL TEXT CONTINUED: Environmental Claims: A Guide for Industry and Advertisers addresses a number of commonly used green claims and provides examples of best practices on how such claims can used by businesses to comply with the false or misleading provisions of the laws enforced by the Competition Bureau. Among other practices, the Guide states that:
The use of vague claims implying general environmental improvement are insufficient and should be avoided.
Environmental claims should be clear, specific, accurate and not misleading.
Environmental claims should be verified and substantiated, prior to being made.
"Consumers should not be misled by false environmental claims," said Sheridan Scott, Commissioner of Competition. "Businesses should not make environmental claims unless they can back them up. In the end, this will benefit legitimate businesses and consumers by bringing greater accuracy in advertising to the marketplace.""Environmental claims are of increasing importance as now and innovative 'green' products appear in the market daily," said Suzanne Kiraly, president, Standards, Canadian Standards Association. "CSA utilized its expertise in developing standards that can assist Canadian businesses and advertisers to make more accurate environmental claims. This will help consumers to make informed choices when purchasing products that claim to have a lower overall impact on the environment."The Bureau recognizes companies may wish to reassess their advertising and labeling in light of the Guide. A one-year transition phase will allow legitimate businesses to change their marketing practices, if necessary, and will also allow the Bureau and CSA to raise awareness and understanding on the new environmental guidelines.During this one-year transition period, the Bureau will not hesitate to pursue egregious cases of deceptive environmental claims.Although the Guide is not law, following the best practices outlined will help businesses to avoid making misleading claims that contravene the laws enforced by the Bureau. The Guide will be used by the Bureau to assess environmental advertising that raise concerns under its legislative mandate.

For consumers concerned about the environment and their own health, household cleaning products that promise to be "all natural" or "organic" have understandable appeal.
They promise to help you polish, buff or scrub without worrying about polluting the earth, having an allergic reaction or breathing in the organic chemicals widely used in conventional cleaning products. The makers of "green" cleaning products say they are made with "earth-friendly" ingredients and plant-derived essential oils, and they are touted as having the same cleaning power as conventional products filled with chemicals.
But how can consumers really be sure when they buy these products whether they are organic or not? Right now, natural cleaning products aren't regulated by the government, said Craig Minowa, a spokesman for the Organic Consumers Association, based in Finland, Minn., which promotes food safety and organic farming.
Jackie Dizdul, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Federal Trade Commission agreed that at the present time, "There are no specific Federal Trade Commission regulations about use of the words 'natural,' 'all-natural' or 'organic' when describing cleaning products. But all claims need to be truthful, non-misleading, substantiated."
Claims for natural products offered by Caldrea and Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day, for instance, are substantiated, according to Monica Nassif, founder and president of both companies. "We make claims that they are earth-friendly, biodegradable, have no phosphate, no chloride, no solvents and are plant-derived, and not tested on animals," she said.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, potentially hazardous chemicals are widely used in conventional household products. Cleaning and disinfection products as well as paints and varnishes all contain chemicals called organic solvents. The compounds can be released into the air during use and even when stored, according to the EPA.
Among the potential health effects with exposure are headaches; irritation to the eyes, nose and throat; and central nervous system damage. Some of these compounds have been found to cause cancer in animals, according to the EPA, and some are suspected of raising risks in people, as well.
Environmentally keen and health-conscious consumers are driving the move to "green clean" products. Nassif cited recent statistics that found the U.S. market for "natural" cleaning products now tops $100 million a year.
It's still a small part of the overall market, but sales growth has continued to rise by 18% to 25% each year for the past five years, according to WorldWatch Institute, an environmentally conscious organization.
Nassif said household cleaners made by Caldrea include plant-derived ingredients and essential oils. Prices are higher than conventional cleaning products. Caldrea liquid dish soap, available in high-end specialty stores, costs $8 for 16 ounces, for instance, while Mrs. Meyer's brand, sold in natural food markets, is $4.99 for 16 ounces. A similar-sized bottle of regular dishwashing liquid found in conventional groceries typically sells for $2 or $3, Nassif said.
Part of the higher price is due to the ingredients, which Nassif said cost more than those used in conventional products. "We buy the fragrances in the Caldrea line from sophisticated perfume fragrance houses," she said.
Do they work as well? Green-clean products do have their critics, but Nassif claims her companies' cleaners perform just as well as their mainstream competitors.
"All our products are sent out to independent laboratories which test [them] for performance," she said. "There are industry standards for performance." The results for her products, she said, "have to be on par or better with the leader in the mass [conventional product] category."
"There's definitely benefit," said Minowa, referring to organic or all-natural cleaning products. "If you find a natural cleaning product, it's way better than conventional," he said. "You don't have the negative health and environmental effect."
However, Minowa pointed out that consumers don't always have to choose between mass-market brands and pricey, "green" alternatives.
Instead, you can fall back on old-fashioned remedies--things your grandparents or parents may have used: Vinegar instead of Windex, for example, or baking soda rather than Comet.
One more suggestion? "Boil a big pot of water, add baking soda and vinegar," Minowa said. "Clean out the drain [with that] instead of drain cleaner."
根據廣告時代網站六月九日的報導, 沒有一個大廣告集團忽視綠色行銷這個大趨勢, 紛紛成立獨立公司, 獨立部門, 特別專案. 報導如下:
How Agencies Are Helping Their Clients Help the Environment
From Measuring a Campaign's Carbon Footprint to Preserving the Honeybee Population
Published: June 09, 2008
What started as a low rumble as marketers began talking about green issues has grown to a rather loud din. And as marketers recognize the best business practices of sustainability, they more frequently turn to their marketing partners for guidance. These are some agencies coast to coast that are helping fuel the green machine.
Tap Project: Droga5's effort helps UNICEF provide clean drinking water for children.
The Omnicom Group media shop in January launched PHD Sustain, aimed at reducing the environmental impact of PHD's media plans. PHD has teamed up with a researcher from the University of California, Berkeley, to measure the environmental impact of each media channel -- for instance, the amount of electricity required to power a 30-second spot. Using those data, an Environmental Media Sustainability Index is created for media planners. The software tool shows how green options, such as solar-panel billboards, can lessen a media plan's environmental hazards. That way, when media planners are considering costs per thousand for clients such as Enterprise Rent-A-Car and Discovery Communications, they can also factor in sustainability. "For those who are truly concerned with sustainability, it matters," says PHD North American CEO Matt Seiler.
Omnicom's Porter Novelli has developed the PN Styles database of 12,000 U.S. consumers, including what it has determined to be the most important segments of the green consumer audience. It recently helped Hewlett-Packard Co. launch its HP Imaging and Printing Group's environmental printing solutions initiative.
Also at Omnicom, Rapp Collins has formed an agencywide Green Council to develop sustainable options and green alternatives in print production. A recent example is a PepsiCo direct-mail campaign. The Lipton PureLeaf effort targeted "Whole Foodies" and focused on the consumer's healthy-living attitude using paper that was 30% post-consumer waste.
has established a network of green-focused individuals within all of the agency's practices. Earlier this year, it launched the Ketchum Sustainability Network, a 20-person team specializing in sustainability and environmental initiatives. Dave Chapman, partner and director, is the Omnicom-owned agency's lead on green initiatives. Ketchum has 30 green-focused efforts around the globe, including the "Help the Honey Bee" initiative for Häagen-Dazs, which supports sustainable-pollination research programs.
"We're not a fad," says Adam Werbach, CEO of Publicis Groupe's Saatchi & Saatchi S. He adds: "We aren't jumping on the opportunity; we honestly feel like we've been building it." There's no disputing that Mr. Werbach isn't new to green. At 23, he was the youngest president of the Sierra Club. And before he sold his consultancy, Act Now Productions, to Saatchi & Saatchi, it was pushing companies to adopt sustainable practices. Now's he's spearheading Saatchi & Saatchi's green efforts via the S operation created last January. Mr. Werbach has added 15 staff members to the core of 40 from Act Now. These aren't exactly typical agency folks. They include a former energy chair of the Clinton Global Initiative, a minister, a manufacturing-process expert with 30 years of experience in Detroit auto plants, consumer-products-packaging experts, experts in product-life-cycle analysis and architects accredited by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. "We are as much management consultants as marketers," Mr. Werbach says. Clients include General Mills' Green Giant brand, health insurer WellPoint and Wal-Mart Stores, which earlier turned to Mr. Werbach as a sustainability consultant.
Leo Burnett's global campaign for the World Wildlife Fund may change its image as an agency for marketers that are not exactly synonymous with sustainability. Publicis-owned Burnett helped the World Wildlife Fund debut "Earth Hour" in 2007, when it plunged the skyline of Sydney, Australia, into darkness. This year Burnett helped push the promotion globally, as more than 40 cities worldwide shut off their lights for an hour. Burnett Senior VP David Brot, who led the U.S. effort, says the project "resulted in a dialogue with management about how to make Burnett a greener place. There's a lot of pride in our leadership role."
Late last year, Publicis' Manning Selvage & Lee launched its global Eco Network, led by Sheila Gruber McLean and Megan Jordan. For Home Depot, MS&L helped launch the Eco Options product line of energy-saving devices and sustainable forestry materials. MS&L says what sets its green offering apart from other agencies' is that it focuses on driving business value. Clients tapping the network also include General Motors Corp., Philips, Coca-Cola Co., Financial Times and Best Buy Co.
Independent Droga5 expanded the Tap Project, its cause-marketing initiative to bring all children clean drinking water, into a national effort this year. The agency asked shops coast to coast -- including Saatchi & Saatchi, Hill Holliday and Goodby, Silverstein & Partners -- to volunteer to create city-centric creative campaigns to promote World Water Week. During the event, restaurant patrons are asked to make donations for water that's ordinarily provided for free. Proceeds go to UNICEF, which will help children in developing countries obtain clean water.
Shandwick's Cleantech and Planet 2050 practices lead its green efforts. Cleantech, headed by William Brent, works with companies engaged in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Planet 2050, led by Brendan May, is the agency's global corporate-responsibility and -sustainability practice. Siemens and Honeywell have used the green-practices program of Weber, part of Interpublic Group of Cos. All of Weber's U.S. offices recently were certified for meeting international environmental standards.
Managing Director Scott Farrell heads GolinHarris' GeoImpact, founded in 2007. The Interpublic PR agency develops sustainability messaging across multiple dimensions of corporate and product communications. GeoImpact is helping Dow Chemical Co. leverage its global sustainability initiative.
The agency is part of Ogilvy Group's Greenery, founded late last year. Jamie Moeller, managing director-global public affairs practice, heads the WPP Group shop's green efforts. CDW Corp. is working with Ogilvy to launch its corporate-citizenship and -sustainability program, which includes measuring the company's environmental footprint.
WPP's Hill & Knowlton approaches the area as a cross-discipline expertise, tapping regulatory affairs, policy creation, and stakeholder and influencer outreach. HSBC has employed Hill & Knowlton's green expertise for its "No Small Challenge" campaign designed to encourage customers to use paperless banking options. The company has since charged H&K with creating awareness surrounding the unveiling of the bank's first LEED-certified branch in Greece, N.Y.
SLandor Associates' research indicates that sustainability must be integrated into an organization as a brand. As a result, the WPP-owned agency decided against creating a stand-alone green unit and has instead embedded sustainability and its green knowledge across the organization. Russ Meyer, global chief strategy officer, is Landor's point person on green efforts. Some of those tapping into its green expertise include BP, News Corp. and Earthpark, an environmental learning center being developed in Iowa.
Mitchell D. Markson, president-consumer brands and global creative director, heads up Edelman's Goodpurpose initiative. The PR agency says its sustainability expertise is aiding Wal-Mart, Starbucks Corp. and the Environmental Defense Fund.
Independent digital agency IMC2 recently launched Clear Sky Digital Media, a free online tool marketers can use to calculate the carbon footprints of their online campaigns. Clear Sky Digital Media, developed with ICF International and an environmental researcher at Stanford University, converts online media buys into a kilowatt-hour measure of the energy necessary to support their delivery. That measurement is translated into carbon emissions and then used to determine the cost of purchasing reliable offset credits from organizations that fund emission reductions.
Horizon Media slashed the amount of paper used in media buys when it started applying a system called Eleven, which is totally paperless, to maintain buys for local TV, cable and radio. "The total carbon footprint of this process is being reduced 100%," says Amy Berke, senior VP-brand strategy in Horizon's Los Angeles office.
Many agencies are also getting greener on the inside, and it goes beyond recycling paper.
*WPP Group's Tackling Climate Change is a holding-companywide initiative to reduce its energy consumption. The company has identified four areas for conservation: office, IT, travel and procurement. WPP says up to 70% of the electricity used in its U.K. offices comes from renewable sources. The company plans to cut the energy used by computers in its offices worldwide by 30%.
*Grey last fall launched its Green It Forward initiative and website to encourage Madison Avenue agencies to share and swap eco-friendly practices. The WPP agency itself took steps to reduce its carbon footprint, including corporate discounts for bike purchases.
*Omnicom digital agency Organic is partnering with San Francisco nonprofit Live Neutral to help offset its carbon footprint. Using a survey of the number of commuters at the agency and an analysis of its financial data, Organic calculates carbon generated by the agency and then purchases carbon credits from Live Neutral to offset its environmental impact.
*Omnicom's BBDO Worldwide tied the greening of its agency back to its clients via the new Project Greener Light initiative. BBDO, New York, for example, replaced all incandescent light bulbs in the office with client GE's compact fluorescent lights and, to bring the idea home, made the CFLs available to staffers at a discounted price at another client, Lowe's.
*Publicis' MediaVest formalized an office greening effort last October, in part because a large number of the agency's employees, with an average age of 26, identified it as a priority. Beyond the usual recycling of paper and glass, the New York office has introduced green cleaning agents for the floors and bagless vacuum cleaners. Even the agency's food isn't going to waste: After officewide events, extra food is donated to area homeless, senior and youth programs. And then there's the contrarian: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners has no plans to set up a separate "green" unit. "To us, that smacks of opportunism," says Harold Sogard, vice chairman of the Omnicom-owned agency. "In advertising, all the time we are supposed to represent what is going on in the world around us and connecting with popular culture. The green movement is part of popular culture now, but to set this up as a separate unit seems silly. People try too much in this business to jump on trends to say, 'We're on that,' and it's bogus." That's not to say Goodby isn't forgoing the opportunity to be involved in green campaigns. It created Häagen-Dazs' honeybee ad and Hewlett-Packard's environmental "Dandelion" ad and participated in Droga5's Tap Project.

Good And GreenPreliminary Speaker Program 7-2-08
PRE-CONFERENCE Workshop – Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Steve French, Managing Partner and Gwynne Rogers, LOHAS Business Director, The Natural Marketing Institute
PRE-CONFERENCE RECEPTION – Tuesday, December 2, 2008
DAY ONE – Wednesday, December 3, 2008
NETWORKING BREAKFAST Sponsored by B.Happy Bags
Nan McCann, President, PME Enterprises
Steve Thomas, Planet Green, Emcee, Good And Green™
Media: Branded Entertainment Eileen O’Neill, President/General Manager, Planet Green
Keynote: “The Birth of Blue”: Adam Werbach, Global CEO, Saatchi & Saatchi S
NETWORKING BREAK Sponsored by The Natural Marketing Institute
New Research/Demographics: Steve French, Managing Partner, The Natural Marketing Institute
Case Study: Chris Chamberlin, Ketchum & Dori Sera Bailey, Haagen Dazs
Re-Using: Second Chance Toys
1. Planet Green
2. EarthSense
3. TBD
4. TBD
Case Study: Carbon Offsetting Native Energy
Research Premiere: “Conscious Consumer Report Part II” Raphael Bemporad and Mitch Baranowski, Founding Partners, BBMG
Case Study: TBD
C-Level Panel moderated by Fast Company magazine
DAY TWO – Thursday, December 4, 2008
Nan McCann, President, PME Enterprises
Steve Thomas, Planet Green
Keynote: Joel Makower, Chairman/Executive Editor, Greener World Media
Creative: “Visual Report Card on Green”, Denise Waggoner, VP Creative Research, Getty Images
360 Degree Marketing/Case Study: Deborah Jones Barrow, Founder, The Daily Green.com
1. Planet Green
2. EarthSense
3. TBD
4. TBD
NETWORKING LUNCHEON Sponsored by The Daily Green
Partnerships: “The Power of Partnership Marketing” Panel
Moderated by John Davidoff, Principal, Davidoff Communications
Closing Keynote: Matt Williams, The Martin Agency
Closing Remarks & GOOD-BYE BREAK

Dwell Creative named one of the top 25 U.S. marketing firms by LOHAS Journal

newsDwell Creative named one of the top 25 U.S. marketing firms by LOHAS JournalDwell Creative, a Portland based advertising and public relations firm was recently designated as one of the top 25 Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) marketing agencies in the country. Awarded by the industry’s leading publication, LOHAS Journal, the criterion required that the firms display a clear commitment to LOHAS principals as a strategic advantage, among several other factors. more»
2008年7月3日 星期四
有機認證茶園生產 無毒純淨 唯一有身分證的茶 限量發行

統一夢公園總經理 李鴻彬表示:「現代人對健康養生越來越重視,卻常常因為生活忙碌而無法持續。因此,這次統一夢公園代理無毒純淨的「健康茶舖」,希望帶給繁忙的現代人隨手可得的有機健康茶飲。尤其全球都面臨了環境的人為破壞,污染日益擴大,幸好大家已經開始注意與大自然和平共存,保持生態的平衡,而「健康茶舖」就是一個實踐與自然共存的產品,為這塊土地的永續生存盡一份心力」。
產品雙認證 產地與身分透明 限量推出
統一夢公園商品開發事業部經理 蘇慧玲說明,有機飲食已是目前的潮流,但如何選擇真正的有機,更是消費者該注意的。「健康茶舖」系列產品都與擁有「國家無毒證書」以及「MOA有機證書」雙認證的有機茶農合作,並在包裝上註明產地及限量序號,消費者購買時可以知道自己喝到的茶來自哪個茶達人的茶園。由於有機生產過程的無農藥堅持,有機茶葉產量約是一般茶園的三分之二,產量極為有限。首波推出的「健康茶舖」來自許時穩及林文德兩位有機茶達人。許時穩六月份產茶300公斤,製成春季限量72,000瓶的「健康茶舖」有機紅麴烏龍茶;林文德六月份產茶2,250公斤,製成春季限量375,000瓶,以及夏季限量189,000的「健康茶舖」有機綠茶;第二波將新增兩個有機茶園的合作,包含余金炘先生,以及謝元在先生與洪慧君女士的怡香有機茶園,預計推出夏季限量各299,000瓶及520,800瓶的「健康茶舖」有機烏龍茶。對於喜歡天然有機、對環保健康有認知的消費者來說,「健康茶舖」不只是安心、安全的有機茶飲,更成為一個尊重土地、支持台灣有機農業的實際行動。
有機茶達人 克服艱難種出健康好茶
HOLA特別推出「環保節能 愛護地球」特惠活動

隨著全球暖化的持續增高,水電費的不斷漲價,節能、環保已成為全民運動。長期關注環保議題的「HOLA和樂家居館」行銷處副理杜慶文表示,綠色環保已成為現今的消費趨勢,不僅珍惜資源,更是降低費用支出的妙招,為此HOLA特別推出「環保節能 愛護地球」特惠活動,即日起至7月30日止,以降溫省電、節能減碳及個人隨手做環保為主題,精選優惠各式夏日環保居家用品,邀請消費者一同愛護地球資源,建立舒適又健康的家居生活。
圓神出版社環保與節能 創意徵招
一個新的部落格, 似乎與圓神出版社有關,
我們是一群志同道合的夥伴 , 橫跨了數種產業的連接從專案提案.成立.執行.直到成果展現我們一氣喝成 我們擁有了跨公司所培養出來的默契 在各專業的引領之下 , 我們結合了眾多 電視/廣告/科技/建築/設計...等等的夥伴希望能以我们 .最專業. 最好的服務品質 .最一貫的流程 .為您締造最大的商業契機由於作品眾多無法一一詳列 .因此將較具代表性之作品簡單敘述以下各式相關之內容皆可承接及製作 .若有相關之需要可免費估價評估保建/化妝品/電子3C/各式商品 形象品牌建立 CF/公司簡介/營運行銷/腳本 企劃攝影製作 廣告時段安插置入性行銷企劃(流星花園.白色巨塔. NOKIA/麥塔倫酒品) . (換換愛NOKIA置入行銷)小林眼鏡週年慶 搭配吳克群MV置入行銷. 預售屋代銷. 各時段電視台廣告上檔安排目前配合導演有. 蔡岳勳 .鈕承澤. 梁修身. 柴智平. …等等多位知名導演 .以及各大電視台. 內外製作單位補習班系統營運企劃書/合約編撰 納豆/酵素/化妝品/3C商品..等 多樣商品品牌行銷企劃書.撰寫/執行 個人形象行銷宣傳企劃書撰寫/執行建設公司預售案廣告企劃執行
2235條的環保新聞 包括國內的全球環保新聞部落格
資源回收物換堆肥 回響熱
更新日期:"2008/06/19 09:27"
【中國時報 盧金足台中報導】 通貨膨脹,連肥料也喊漲!市環保局利用每天回收5到10公噸的剩飯菜、果皮等廚餘,製作成堆肥和液態肥,推出「就是肥」有機培養土,短短一周內就兌換一空,民眾洽詢電話應接不暇,昨天再釋出存量,民眾只要持回收的資源物品,即可換取廚餘回收的堆肥。 環保局長李立德表示,設在南屯的廚餘回收再利用專區,區內設置的廚餘堆肥化設備廠,每天可以將資源回收車回收的5到10公噸剩飯菜、果皮、菜葉等廚餘做成堆肥,在高達60度、歷時至少30天的腐熟及翻堆後,就能生產出黑色、膨鬆具有淡淡泥土味道的「就是肥」以及含菌豐富的「液植肥」。 環保局化廚餘為堆肥,經檢驗都符合堆肥應具備肥分的標準,為讓市民共享廚餘回收再利用成果,即日起開放市民以資源回收物兌換,民眾可持自行回收的資源物品,到環保局換取廚餘回收的堆肥。 想獲得環保局生產的堆肥,只要拿鋁箔包、紙容器、紙製免洗餐具的廢紙類、廢塑膠、廢容器、廢食用油、廢鐵、廢鋁罐、廢照明光源、廢乾電池、廢光碟片、舊衣物、書籍雜誌、玩具、餐具、家飾品等二手物,就可以兌換。 另在西屯、南屯區社區,開放申請120公升的堆肥廚餘回收桶,民眾將這些回收的堆肥廚餘,經過30到45天的處理,就會產生有機培養土,環保局為鼓勵提供堆肥廚餘的社區,完成核桶程序就送5包最夯的「就是肥」。 環保局表示,「就是肥」的使用方式,是將堆肥和土壤,以1比5進行混合,做為栽種植物的培養土,可增加土壤透水性並供給養分,提供花草更好的生長環境;液植肥則經稀釋100倍,可用於作物追肥及化糞池等汙水系統清潔。環保局資源回收科電話:22294025。
100~199萬 NTD
深圳 具體地點:
Lorna/獵頭經驗:三到五年/目前任職:Career Hunter/台北
Portland Fashion Week To Be First Sustainable Fashion Week

Portland Fashion Week 2007 is poised to be the nation’s first sustainable fashion week. If that sounds like a grand claim, it is, and is backed up by having designers like Anna Cohen both showing on the runway and serving on the advisory board. Cohen’s design sensibility and fierce commitment to quality are met by her devotion to a sustainability that is comprehensive and honest. And it is more than fitting that Portland’s fashion week should aim for sustainability, given sustainable labels like Entermodal and Nau are headquartered in Portland.
So how is Portland Fashion Week sustainable? Executive Producer, Tito Chowdhury, says, “We are trying to be eco-responsible in every respect, we have tried to do something on every step to make the production sustainable. We will use a sustainable runway, sustainable hair and makeup, we’re doing our media kit on recycled paper.” And fashion week here won’t just be for Portland-based designers, “Portland is nationally known as sustainable city. We want to make this fashion week the place for sustainable designers from all over.” Portland Fashion Week took its first steps in this direction last year with a fashion show for sustainable lines held at City Hall.
It just struck us, in our recent conversation with Chowdhury, how Portland Fashion Week is unique in another aspect as well. When Chowdhury was at LA Fashion Week, he found the more interesting labels doing showroom shows rather than runway shows. They couldn’t afford to do a runway show. At Portland Fashion Week, “Creativity trumps everything. When a designer is approved, for a very nominal fee, we stage the whole thing for you.”
We’re expecting more news about venue and designers (besides Cohen and Sameunderneath) soon. When we talked, Chowdhury was pleased that Italian-based runway mag Book Moda, had got in touch, wanting to cover Portland Fashion Week. Stay tuned.
Eco-town plan in danger of being slashed back

Ministers are considering advisers’ findings that most of the proposed locations do not meet the environmental criteria.
There are also serious concerns about the implications of the credit crunch, with the housebuilding industry in crisis and fears about whether there will be a strong enough market for the new homes.
The scheme to build eco-towns – developments of up to 20,000 homes with an overall carbon rating of zero – was announced by Gordon Brown before he became prime minister last year.
Related Links
'Eco-town' list draws green and local anger
Government must clarify its eco town policy
Officially, the government is committed to building five by 2016 and “up to 10” by 2020.
However, ministers now say it is the quality, not the number, of developments that is most important, fuelling speculation that the final number of sites could be as few as three.
A report by the government’s advisers on eco-towns declared that most of the 15 shortlisted proposals were “just housing estates in the countryside with a green label attached”.
It concluded that only a few met the requirement to provide good transport links to cities, not to destroy green fields, to use energy from sustainable sources and for all homes to be carbon neutral.
Caroline Flint, the housing minister, will tomorrow announce the next phase of public consultation, including plans for roadshows around the shortlisted sites.
The government wants to press on with the scheme, but the department for communities is determined that only towns with “real eco-credentials” will go ahead.
Yesterday a spokesman for Flint admitted the final number of eco-towns was not fixed and was dependent on the quality of the proposals submitted.
Greenest Hits: The 20 most-read climate change stories this year
From Times Online
December 7, 2007
Greenest Hits: The 20 most-read climate change stories this year
From Jeremy
1. An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change "Enthusiasm for the global-warming scare also ensures that heatwaves make headlines, while contrary symptoms, such as this winter’s billion-dollar loss of Californian crops to unusual frost, are relegated to the business pages."
2. Camilla Cavendish: Wake up and smell the smoke of disaster "Environmentalists may get off on climate porn, but most people just turn away. “If it was really so bad, they'd do something,” says one colleague, without specifying who “they” are. The human tendency to convince yourself that everything is OK, because no one else is worried, is deeply ingrained."
3. Walking to the shops ‘damages planet more than going by car’"Food production is now so energy-intensive that more carbon is emitted providing a person with enough calories to walk to the shops than a car would emit over the same distance."
4. Jeremy Clarkson on the environment "Ecologically speaking, a spilt tanker load is like sticking a safety pin into an elephant’s foot. The planet barely notices. After the Exxon Valdez accident in Alaska the oil company spent billions tidying up the coastline, but it was a waste of money because the waves were cleaning up faster than Exxon could. Environmentalists can never accept the planet’s ability to self-heal"
5. John-Paul Flintoff: Climate change: A stitch in time "Soon we’ll all have to become more self-sufficient. We must learn to grow and cook food, build and restore buildings and infrastructure, process sewage, create a healthcare system that does not rely on petrochemical-based pills, and puzzle together a no-growth economic system. And, I modestly submit, we must learn to make and repair our clothes."
6. Climate change hits Mars "Scientists from Nasa say that Mars has warmed by about 0.5C since the 1970s. This is similar to the warming experienced on Earth over approximately the same period."
7. La Niña threatens to wreck world's weather "La Niña could even rearrange the pattern of sea ice around the Antarctic, pushing the ice pack towards the Pacific side of the continent. Already, torrential rains have triggered severe floods across a huge swath of Central Africa, stretching from Senegal in the west to Uganda in the east."
8. John-Paul Flintoff meets Zac Goldsmith: You’re going green... or else"The world my children will live in will be very different. The way we travel will change and the way we build and communicate. But I think the changes will be good. I’m optimistic for the first time in my life.”
9. ‘Fertilising’ oceans with iron may combat climate change"Scientists are considering a plan to combat climate change by dumping millions of tons of iron into the ocean to alter its chemical make-up."
10. Damage to the planet ‘is already inevitable’ "Scientists who a decade ago were warning that climate change would first be felt significantly by their grandchildren said they expected it to have a major impact within their own lifetimes."
11. Rapeseed biofuel ‘produces more greenhouse gas than oil or petrol’"Rapeseed and maize biodiesels were calculated to produce up to 70 per cent and 50 per cent more greenhouse gases respectively than fossil fuels. "
12. Climate change may help rainforests "Climate change may lead to lush growth rather than catastrophic tree loss in the Amazonian forests, researchers from the US and Brazil have found."
13. Joanna Lumley: Holy cow! We’re crazy to farm livestock like this"I prefer not to eat food that has a face. But many of my nearest and dearest love their meat, and who am I to ask them not to eat so much of it? Reducing our meat consumption is no longer an option but an urgent necessity."
14. Camilla Cavendish: Save the Planet: cancel that flight now "It’s a vendetta. It’s class war. Those killjoy greens are trying to demonise the air industry and the package holiday. How dare that Mr Osborne and that Mr Cameron ask airlines to pay for the pollution they create."
15. Ice-cream makers frozen out as corn price rises "What’s the connection between ethanol, the biofuel produced from corn, and a cherry vanilla ice-cream? Answer: the first is responsible for pushing up the price of the other."
16. Climate change ‘could create 200m refugees’ "By the middle of the century, the report will warn, more than 200m people could have been forced from their native lands by rising sea levels, floods and droughts, with many more facing early deaths from malnutrition and heat stress."
17. Rapid rise in global warming is forecast "The oceans are losing the capacity to soak up rising man-made carbon emissions, which is increasing the rate of global warming by up to 30 per cent, scientists said yesterday."
18. 'Humanity's very survival' is at risk, says UN "The speed at which mankind has used the Earth’s resources over the past 20 years has put “humanity’s very survival” at risk, a study involving 1,400 scientists has concluded."
19. Camilla Cavendish: The blue-ing of the green movement "Environmentalists were intially sceptical about whether Conservatives could ever marry their belief in markets with the need to reorientate our economy to live within planetary limits."
20. Geoff Mulgan: China's great green leap forward? "To the rest of the world China looks like an environmental car crash, a superpower superpolluter that along with the USA has become the most obdurate barrier to action on climate change."
Inc.雜誌綠色專題報導 :The Green 50

Introducing the Green 50, a collection of entrepreneurial companies that are showing what it means to run good businesses, attack the most pressing problems of our time--and make serious cash along the way.
By: Larry Kanter
Published November 2006
It's beginning to feel like a new feature of the business cycle: Every few years or so, American companies and consumers embrace the concept of green business. We're certainly in the midst of one of those moments right now. But something seems different about our current green awakening.
This time, the action is being driven as much by markets as morality. High oil prices, global warming, the sense that chemicals cause real harm and the earth's resources are indeed finite--these are not so much charitable causes to embrace as they are problems that entrepreneurs can solve. Wall Street and Silicon Valley certainly understand this: Venture capital firms invested $958 million in renewable energy companies in the first half of 2006 alone.
Today's green revolution is being driven by a whole new set of entrepreneurs. We asked our staffers and contributors to find the most intriguing ones out there; then we narrowed the list to the 50 in the pages that follow--The Green 50. The range of businesses is astonishingly wide, from high-tech firms making big bets on the future of energy to decidedly low-tech concerns that are simply determined to find a different way to do business. What their efforts add up to is a new way to think about being in business. We're betting that most of them will be around for several business cycles to come.
Read profiles
The Green 50 profiles were written by Martha Baer, Adam Bluestein, Max Chafkin, Jennifer Gill, Bobbie Gossage, Ryan McCarthy, Katharine Mieszkowski, Athena Schindelheim, Kasey Wehrum, and Alison Stein Wellner.