2008年4月28日 星期一
Envirohumanology may be the start of a movement that cures the issue that could be our greatest downfall and makes it into our greatest triumph. Environmental degradation as a result of human actions has the potential to cause disruption of food supplies, ecosystems, and the normal weather and geological conditions that now make life relatively hospitable.
This situation could lead to mass starvation or death due to environmental disaster (think natural disaster, without that “natural”), famine, disease, and the ensuing battles for increasingly limited resources.
A Moral Issue
A Quality of Health and Life Issue
A Personal Responsibility Issue
A Government Responsibility Issue
A Corporate Responsibility Issue
An Emotional Issue
A Forward-Looking Issue
A Community Issue
1. Use whiteboards instead of flip charts. Interactive whiteboards electronically save the data written on them. If you don't have or can't afford an interactive whiteboard, consider taking a digital photograph of the writing on a whiteboard. Save it on a computer then use OCR software to interpret the text and make the whiteboard notes searchable. This will save paper and time as employees won't have to record the information during presentations.2. Buy electronic (paperless) tablets for employees who are more productive handwriting their thoughts on paper than entering their ideas via a computer keyboard. 3. Whenever possible print double-sided copies and check that this functionality is available when purchasing a new printer. Not all printers have this ability. If your existing printer doesn’t automatically provide this option, document how to do it manually by printing every other page then reinserting the paper into the printer to print on the other side and make sure employees understand how to do this.4. Use a fax modem to send faxes directly to and from a computer for easier data storage, searchability and file transfer. Print only the faxes that are needed in hard copy format to save on printer ink or toner and paper. 5. Eliminate unnecessary fax cover sheets.6. Use paper, file folders, toilet paper, and paper towels made from recycled paper. Recycle paper and cardboard discarded in the office.7. Store data on CD's and DVD's to eliminate as many paper files as possible. This method of storage also takes up far less physical space in an office and is searchable on a computer faster and easier than hard copy documentation. 8. Use rewritable CD's and DVD's whenever possible. This will minimize the number of single use discs that end up in landfill sites.9. Consider ceiling fans to help circulate the air in the office. This is particularly beneficial when used to supplement air conditioning and will reduce air conditioning costs.10. If possible, install windows that open. Many office facilities are constructed with sealed windows eliminating the ability to cool the facilities by just letting cooler air in from outside. Remember to keep windows closed when the heat or air conditioning is on.11. Regularly maintain heating and cooling systems and keep filters clean to get maximum efficiency.12. Turn off unnecessary lights. This is especially important when temperatures soar to reduce air conditioning needs.13. Install LED Exit signs that use less energy than their incandescent or fluorescent counterparts.14. Keep lighting fixture surfaces clean to benefit from their maximum output. Built up dust, dirt and grease can lessen their effectiveness.15. Use windows blinds to help regulate the temperature in the office. Close them to block out the hot sun in the summer and reduce air conditioning needs. Keep them open in the winter to use the sun to help warm the office.16. Relax the dress code to permit employees to dress comfortably for winter and summer temperatures to save on heating and cooling costs even if it means no business suits.17. Bring plants into the office to improve the air quality. A few varieties known for their ability to remove toxins such as acetone, ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene gases from air include the Peace Lily, English Ivy, Spider Plant, Snake Plant, Weeping Fig, Heartleaf and Elephant Ear Philodendrons, Areca and Lady Palms, Devils Ivy, Rubber Plant, Boston Fern, Chinese Evergreen, Cornstalk and Red-edged Dracaenas, Chrysanthemums and Gerbera Daisies.18. Install a programmable thermostat with a seven day setting and set it so that minimal heating or air conditioning is being used during evenings, overnight and on weekends. 19. When heating or air conditioning is running, keep exterior doors closed to prevent energy loss.20. When it comes time to replace heating and cooling systems, buy high efficiency units.21. Purchase energy efficient office equipment. Like household appliances, office equipment is manufactured with varying degrees of efficiency. Do the research. Look for the Energy Star ratings. The more efficient the item, the less heat it will produce thereby reducing cooling costs.22. Paint offices in light colours to make best use of the available lighting. Dark colours can absorb light requiring additional or stronger lighting to compensate. When painting remember to use environmentally friendly paints that are less toxic and produce little or no fumes.23. Place employees' desks near windows if possible to utilize natural light and minimize the amount of indoor lighting required. 24. Use fluorescent or compact fluorescent bulbs wherever possible. Replace old fluorescent lighting fixtures with newer, more efficient models.25. Install motion sensors or timed light switches in employee restrooms for ventilation fans and lights. 26. Use power bars with switches to make it easier to turn off equipment in the office when not in use.27. Turn off printers and monitors at lunchtime and all office equipment not being used – computers, monitors, printers – at night and on the weekends. 28. Unplug computer, battery and phone chargers when not in use. They still use electricity even if they’re not charging anything.29. Consider buying laptops instead of desktops. They can use up to 90% less energy, save time and paper by allowing employees to take notes directly on their computers during meetings instead of later transcribing handwritten paper notes, and give employees the option of telecommuting.30. Switch your screensaver option to 'blank' or 'none'. Screensavers use energy too.31. Replace old cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors with flat screen monitors. Not only are flat screens more energy efficient but they're also easier on the eyes. Make sure you recycle your old monitors.32. Let employees work from home whenever possible. This will reduce vehicle carbon emissions and lower energy use at the office. They can still communicate with everyone back at the office via an internet connection. You might find too that you'll also have happier and more productive employees as a result.33. Conduct meetings with clients, associated offices or telecommuting employees via phone, video or internet chat conferences to eliminate the need for meeting participants to travel to a central location. It's not just emissions that are eliminated by doing this as participants can be more productive using the time that would be spent on travel for more important matters.34. Encourage employees to bike, car pool and/or use public transportation to minimize carbon emissions. Consider offering incentives such as a monthly draw for a free lunch for employees who use environmentally friendly transportation alternatives. If employees must drive their own vehicles to work, consider adopting a flex time schedule to allow them to commute during non-rush hour times of the day. Energy is wasted and emissions are increased by cars idling in traffic jams.35. Hire a virtual assistant instead of a permanent employee or an employee from a temp agency. A virtual assistant works from his/her own home so this keeps a car off the road and eliminates the need for a larger facility to accommodate another employee, reducing the company's energy consumption. 36. Turn down the temperature your water heater. This also prevents employees from accidentally scalding themselves. Also, insulate your water heater and hot water pipes.37. Use refillable ink and toner cartridges. Try to use environmentally friendly inks.38. Recycle ink and toner cartridges that can't be refilled. Most suppliers will return them to the manufacturer for recycling.39. Ink jet printers use up to 90% less energy than laser printers.40. Use solar calculators.41. Use a coffee maker with an insulated pot to eliminate the need to keep a warmer on. This also eliminates the worry of whether or not the coffee maker was turned off at the end of the day.42. Consider going vegetarian when ordering food in for office meetings. An acre of land used to grow plants can feed more people than the meat from cattle grazed on the same amount of land. 43. Buy fair trade, organic teas, coffee and hot chocolate for use at the office. Not only are you getting a wholesome product, you're helping farmers in third world countries earn a living.44. Use real dishes and not paper or foam plates and cups in the company kitchen. For larger gatherings, if you must use disposable dishes, chose recyclable options or items made with PLA (polylactic acid derived from corn) that can be composted.45. Recycle cans, glass, juice boxes, milk cartons and plastic food containers. If no recycling facilities are available in your area, talk to the landlord or local government officials about providing a pickup for recyclables. Alternatively, contact independent recycling companies. If all else fails consider taking it home to add to your home recycling pickup or see if an employee would be willing to do so.46. Have employees bring in their own mugs to use for hot beverages and drinking glasses for use with the water cooler.47. Turn taps off tightly. Fix dripping taps.48. Install low flow toilets or try putting a sealed plastic bottle filled with water in the tank to lessen its fill capacity and reduce the amount of water used per flush. This doesn't work with all toilets but if it works for yours, you'll save a lot of water.49. Use rechargeable batteries. Discarded batteries leak toxins into landfill sites. By reusing rechargeable batteries the number of non-rechargeable batteries that are thrown away is dramatically reduced. Check for recycling facilities in your area that will accept dead batteries.50. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products in the office and consider using vinegar and baking soda as cleaning agents wherever possible. Environmentally friendly hand soap, dish soap, carpet, toilet bowl and all purpose cleaners are available at prices that are competitive with non-friendly products. When hiring a janitorial service, ask them what products they use and state your preference for green products.
2008年4月26日 星期六
種樹有多好?》提升形象 又可行銷
【經濟日報╱記者 何佩儒、余麗姿】
2008.04.27 03:49 am
種樹新顯學 二氧化碳變黃金
經濟日報╱記者 何佩儒、謝柏宏、余麗姿】
2008.04.27 03:49 am
鑽石誠可貴 綠金價更高
多數國內企業做公益環保, 只是外表包裝, 骨子裡自私自利自稱自由經濟擁護者, 冠冕堂皇!
說服國內企業採取環保永續措施, 只有兩條硬道理, 一者增加利潤營收, 二者降低成本, 別無它途!
另起爐灶, 打算來創造一家永續型企業, 作示範, 如何兼顧profit, people, planet. 姑且稱為3P企業吧!
Nonzero Reataurant
Nonzero概念: 非零﹝Nonzero﹞是由Robert Wright提出來的一種有關於未來的世界及大自然將以“非零和”﹝Nonzero Sum﹞的賽局理論﹝Game Theory﹞為基礎而演化的智慧。 我們愈互相依賴,我們的命運也會愈來愈相連結在一起。惟有經過溝通及互信的非零和﹝Nonzero Sum﹞方法,才能保證人類命運的不斷演化。因此,一個人的成功並不一定是另一個人的失敗。我的贏並不一定要建立在您的輸上。這世界更是有足夠的成功讓所有人分享。 就是這種豐碩的心態能擴展我們的思考,讓我們的人生經歷更豐富多采多姿。更重要的是,這將使我們從傳統智慧中超脫出來。AVEDA的非零﹝restaurant Nonzero﹞又能提供什麼不同的體驗呢?
1. 愛心與熱誠Love and Passion 我一直支持廚師是老板的餐廳,restaurant的廚師最重要的是要有愛心與熱誠。並且願意將這間restaurant當成是他們所擁有的。而不是只領一份薪水而已。
2. 衛生Hygiene 忠實呈現這家如何保持衛生、如何處理魚肉,如何料理蔬菜,如何維持廚房的衛生。
3. 透明化Transparency 菜單列出平衡營養的成份,設計這份menu的原因。並且公佈所使用的水、油、鹽等調味品讓消費者知道
4. 簡單的菜單Simple Menu 太多的選擇讓消費者因要決定而產生許多焦慮。何況,在restaurant Nonzero中飲食是一種探索及冒險,以及對各種不同文化的包容和多元的價值觀。 同樣的,因為menu簡單,而能減輕浪費,不但合乎環保的精神,還可以選擇最好的當天需要的食材,而不需準備太多的備用食材。
5. 服務Service 整個restaurant的氣氛。如果每個服務人都是“悅日人”,並以”相信每個人的善良”、”滿足個人化的需求,甚至預先知道客人的需求”這樣的價值觀來分享自己對食物的熱忱及健康飲食習慣的使命感,能建立一個“大家一起來動手”的互相服務﹝communal service﹞的環境,不分服務人員或是客人。因為非零餐廳﹝restaurant Nonzero﹞就是一個屬於您的restaurant,客人本身,也可以是這裡的主人。
6. 價值Value 沒有人會喜歡花冤枉錢在沒有意義的事情上。我希望我去的restaurant,有最好的食材,最清潔的廚房和最衛生的料理方式,最有愛心熱忱的廚師,最用心的環境設計,最親切的悅日人,最美味的食物,最驚喜的意外體驗,以及最正直的合法納稅公民義務責任─這就是我們的投票支持的restaurant的價值。 我們不是只花錢在好吃的東西上,而是鼓勵更多消費者知道,光是東西好吃、量大便宜,並不是物超所值。
朱平先生提到,他並不知道,這種restaurant能否賺錢。但非零餐廳﹝restaurant Nonzero﹞就是我們的一個小小試驗。 We Are What We Do We Are What We Eat We Are What We Buy
Innocent Drinks品牌年度會議創新作法

Jan 26,2008品牌觀察(7)所介紹的英國飲料傳奇品牌Innocent Drinks ,4月26日召開第一次AGM(A Growing-up Meeting), 這個對外開放的年度經營會議, 不等於是品牌宣揚大會? 坦誠公開是sustainable business時代新品種品牌的行銷特性!
昨天華山藝文特區政大廣告系畢展Happitude, 環繞Lohas核心. 真希望籌囑組永續環保綠色行銷溝通公司時, 能找他們來共事.
創造一個像Innocent Drinks的品牌, 英磅25000創業, 十年後營業額上億英磅, 更重要的是對得起良心, 並廣受讚譽!
Innocent has a 71% share of the £169m UK smoothie market

2008年4月24日 星期四
Global Green USA's Green Cross Millennium Awards


全球一百大品牌 Google再奪冠
‧聯合新聞網 2008/04/22
市場研究及顧問公司Millward Brown評選2008年度全球一百大品牌,搜尋引擎龍頭Google以861億美元的品牌價值連續兩年高居榜首。Google品牌價值去年大增三成。該公司上周公布第一季財報淨收入成長31%
市場研究及顧問公司Millward Brown評選2008年度全球一百大品牌,搜尋引擎龍頭Google以861億美元的品牌價值連續兩年高居榜首。
2008年4月23日 星期三
永續經營顧問公司實例Madison Environtmental Group
Eco-Friendly Brands Become a Hot Commodity

2008年4月21日 星期一
Earth Day, Green Marketing, and the Polling of America, 2008

It's time for my (second) annual survey of surveys — the bounty of public opinion polls on green topics that seems to sprout every spring in time for Earth Day. A half-dozen or so years ago, there were perhaps a couple such surveys. Today, there are more than a dozen, ranging from substantive to silly to self-serving.
Joel Makower先生在綠色商業行銷領域, 是我的典範英雄!
地球日相關論述, 他的最棒.
So, what did this year's surveys reveal? Here are highlights:
Almost four in 10 Americans are preferentially buying products they believe to be environmentally friendly, though almost half (48%) erroneously believes such products are beneficial for the planet, as opposed to simply being less harmful, according to the 2008 Green Gap Survey from Cone LLC and the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship. It also found that Americans are pretty open to companies' green messages: 47% trust companies to tell them the truth in environmental messaging; 45% believe companies are accurately communicating information about their impact on the environment; and 61% say they understand the environmental terms companies use in their advertising.
Gallup's annual environment poll found that 28% of Americans say they have made "major changes" in their lifestyles to protect the environment. Forty percent say they worry "a great deal" about "the quality of the environment," ranking far below the 60% who worry about the economy and the 58% who worry about the availability and affordability of healthcare.
Almost 200 million Americans buy green products, reports the market research firm Mintel, which also found that the number of new products with an environmentally friendly claim has grown substantially over the past five years — from five such product launches in 200 to "a staggering" 328 in 2007. "Price, perceived value and convenience drive these purchases as more and more people take on a green lifestyle," the company reports. "Thanks to manufacturers' recent moves, consumers can now find more choices of environmentally friendly products than ever before." (Mintel doesn't put these 328 new green products into perspective, one of my pet peeves. So I will: There are about 20,000 new product introductions a year in just the food and beverage category.) Another Mintel study reported that "over one-third of adults (36%) claim to 'regularly' buy green products," triple the number 16 months ago.
Consumer recall of advertising with green messaging is very high, with more than a third (37%) of consumers saying they frequently recall green messaging and an additional third recalling it occasionally (33%), according to Burst Media. (Again, some perspective would be helpful here: How does 37% compare with overall add ad recall?) One in five (23%) respondents say they seldom or never believe green claims made in advertisements. Two-thirds (65%) of respondents say they "sometimes" believe green claims made in advertisements, and 12% say they "always" believe green advertising claims. More than 40% of consumers frequently or occasionally research the claims made in green advertisements.
Consumers expect to see significant company commitments to environmental leadership before they buy the green marketing hype, according to marketing firm EcoAlign. Seventy-seven percent of consumers think that an operational commitment to energy efficiency or green energy is the single most important quality of a corporation trying to be an environmental leader. When respondents asked which of 12 major companies they thought were most committed to using or providing renewable energy. GE dominated with 81%, while Toyota came in second at 65%. However, 54% of consumers had difficulty naming any company that supplied renewable or green energy. GE and BP received the most mentions, but only represented 4% to 5% of responses. (In reality, neither firm supplies much if any green energy, though both manufacture solar panels and GE manufactures wind turbines; BP has a tiny renewable energy division, representing less than 1% of its total revenue.)
One in ten Americans say that they have looked up their personal or household's carbon footprint, according to Harris Interactive. Younger Americans are more likely to have done so. Almost one in five (18%) Echo Boomers (aged 18-31) say they have looked up their carbon footprint, compared to 11% of Gen Xers (aged 32-43), 9% of Baby Boomers (aged 44-62), and 6% of Matures (63 and older). Regardless of whether they are calculating their carbon footprint, Americans claim that they are doing things that will reduce it and their carbon emissions. Almost two-thirds say they may have reduced the amount of energy they use in their home, 43% have purchased more energy-efficient appliances, 27% they have started purchasing more locally grown food, and 21% have stopped drinking bottled water.
Only 3% of consumers "always" buy green products and 66% said that they "sometimes" purchase them, according to the Shopper Environmental Sentiment survey from corporate real estate giant Jones Lang LaSalle. The survey was taken across 34 Jones Lang LaSalle-managed shopping malls. Around 40% said that they were willing to "do what it takes" to protect and improve the environment, and more than half always recycle at home. Almost two thirds of respondents were interested in learning more about simple ways to save energy.
【經濟日報╱記者謝柏宏/台北報導】 2008.04.17 03:28 am
Surviving LOHAS
The New York Times recently had an article on Americans who are preparing for the worst - the worst being natural catastrophes like Katrina, blackouts, terrorist attacks or any other incidents that would make essentials like energy or food unaffordable or unavailable: People start to stockpile canned food and medicine, they grow vegetables in their gardens and install solar panels on their roofs.The phenomenon was coined “New Survivalism” and is backed by authers like Barton M. Biggs, the former chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley, who wrote in his new book “Wealth, War and Wisdom”, that people should stock their homes with “seed, fertilizer, canned food, wine, medicine, clothes, etc. Think Swiss Family Robinson. Even in America and Europe there could be moments of riot and rebellion when law and order temporarily completely breaks down.”Sounds too gloomy ? Compare this to a sunnier view of the future:“The LOHAS market forecast is sunny and is predicted to grow to $420 billion by 2010, and $845 billion by 2014. Fortunately, the influential LOHAS market believes that it is important for companies not just to be profitable, but to be mindful of their impact on the environment and society.” (American wellness network – but could have been found elsewhere too)LOHAS is short for Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability – and people adopting that lifestyle are seen as the pace makers for the economy. LOHAS means consumption. Critical consumption. Green consumption. Sustainable consumption. Therefore, countless surveys, marketing strategies and business cases are developed around the LOHAS market potential. But the LOHAS industry is built on an overly optimistic scenario: Climate change leads to ecological awareness and more conscious consumption patterns. What if climate change and other catastrophes come closer to home? Will people still fall for green marketing and sustainability messages?The “New survivalists” offer some lessons.

via : Earth Day Network
地球日簡史(A Brief History of Earth Day)
1970年4月22日地球日誕生,是美國環保歷史上的一個里程碑。長期倡導保護環境的威斯康辛州(Wisconsin)聯邦參議員蓋洛德·納爾遜(Gaylord Nelson)回憶他當年發起地球日的原因:「我們的目標是組織一個全國性關於環境問題的示威遊行,以引起公眾關注,並將這個問題提升到政治議程。這是一次賭博,但是起作用了。」
1970年4月22日,兩百萬名美國人上街遊行,要求一個永續的、健康的環境。丹尼斯·海斯(Dennis Hayes)和其他年輕的組織者共同發起了這個從美國東岸延續到西岸的浩大活動。上千所大學組織了示威遊行反對環境的破壞。更多的組織不斷就石油洩漏、城市污水、有毒廢物棄置、重污染工廠和發電廠、農藥、高速公路及生物多樣化喪失等問題進行抗爭行動。
2008年4月20日 星期日
請參加Woman's Commerce Survey
Anyone who participates will recieve a list of hundreds of green resources which Heidi has been collecting over the last year. We'll also give you the results, first! Link to it from inside of the Spring issue or here.
How To Avoid A Green Marketing Backlash

1. Be precise. Make specific claims that provide quantitative impacts. 70 percent of Americans say quantifying the actual environmental impact of a product or service is influential in their purchasing decisions. In addition, the more precise an environmental claim, the more convincing Americans believe it to be. For example, 36 percent found the message “environmentally friendly” credible when used to describe a paper product, but 60 percent found the message “made with 80% post-consumer recycled paper” credible.
2. Be elevant. Demonstrate a clear connection between the product or service and the environment. 74 percent of Americans say providing a clear connection between the product/service and the environmental issue (i.e., a hybrid car and lower emissions) influences their purchasing decisions.
3. Be a resource. Provide additional information for consumers in a place where they want it. Americans say they are most likely to seek information online via a company’s Web site (54%), a third-party Web site (51%), a search engine (48%) or via product packaging (45%).
4. Be consistent. Don’t let marketing images send a signal that contradicts the carefully chosen words and facts you use. For example, showing an automobile parked in a virgin forest may be seen as insensitive, while a product growing out of a tree may be seen as exaggeration.
5. Be realistic. There are always more environmental improvements that can be made to a product or service, and they are but one piece of a much larger environmental journey for society. Communications that include some sense of context, as well as a “work in progress” tone, will be more credible and less subject to criticism.
星巴客的Green Idea

Already, Starbucks has moved to implement the top two customer requests: free coffee for frequent buyers and universal free wi-fi, which is finally (woot, woot!) coming soon in Spring 2008. The thought that a multinational global corporation like Starbucks would be so responsive to the voice of its customers is encouraging indeed.
Can Customers Make Starbucks Become More Environmentally Responsible?s Idea
2008年4月19日 星期六
永續品牌會議與展覽 6月2--5日

Join a vibrant mix of top brand leaders, leaders in product design and innovation, sustainability executives and the network of experts who support them, in the world-renowned setting of the Northern California Coast. Meet like-minded executives while examining the underlying issues, hard choices, and proven success stories of those at the forefront of creating profitable change for sustainability.
You'll find a world-class speaker roster, inspirational stories, best practices, and networking with like-minded professionals in a business friendly, collaborative learning environment. In-depth sessions help you understand market trends, update your products and operational strategies, improve internal communications, and strengthen customer affinity for your brand. If you seek to be part the next wave of innovation for the 21st century, SB'08 is the one learning opportunity of the year you can't afford to miss.

For the price of an electric dryer that sucks up dollars forever, you can get Nature's Dryer built out of steel to look like a sculptural, abstract looking tree.“While so many people in the world’s developed countries have grown far too comfortable wasting energy, almost overnight, issues surrounding global warming and increasing greenhouse gas emissions are now at the forefront of the agenda,” said Debra Jones, inventor of Nature’s Dryer. “What’s especially exciting is at the individual level, more consumers are recognizing the important role they play and want to change their behaviour to reduce energy consumption.” ::Nature's Dryer
2008年4月18日 星期五
綠巨人永豐餘 擁30億元森林
2008.04.17 03:28 am
綠巨人永豐餘 擁30億元森林
2008.04.17 03:28 am
燦坤推太陽能精品家電 搶攻綠能商品商機

(中央社記者管中維台北2008年4月17日電)燦坤 (2430) 今天宣布推出太陽能精品家電,以時尚外觀設計搭配高效能太陽能為訴求,首波商品4月18日起在燦坤3C銷售,搶攻綠能概念商品市場商機。
首家綠色量販商店 愛買

首家量販綠色商店 愛買掄元力推環保商品
【中央社】 民眾環保意識抬頭,但往往不知到那裡買到獲環保、節能、省水標章相關產品,環保署為方便民眾選購綠色商品,四月初推動「綠色商店」認證,愛買量販店率先申請,十四家分店中有十三家已認證通過,成為首家量販綠色商店,愛買表示,將力推環保商品,同時預估業績可順勢上漲。 行政院環境保護署與愛買量販店下午在愛買台北大直旗艦店召開記者會,宣佈愛買成為台灣首家獲官方認證的「綠色商店」,環保署管制考核及糾紛處理處處長楊慶熙表示,希望所有量販店都能申請並通過審核,成為「綠色商店」,讓民眾能輕易選購環保商品。
2008年4月17日 星期四

Ecover Bleach - make your whites even brighter with this nonchlorine bleach ($5/14 oz).Detergent
Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Laundry Detergent - liquid that really works. Comes in five scents; geranium's our fave, but we don't reco mixing fragrances between washer and dryer ($12/32 oz).Dryer Sheets
Shaklee Get Clean Dryer Sheets - biodegradable and made with none of the vegetarian-unfriendly animal tallow found in regular dryer sheets ($10/80 sheets).Fabric Softener
Mrs. Meyer's Fabric Softener - essential oils (instead of tallow) fluff your fabrics right nice; in four scents, here in sweet geranium ($8/32 oz). Stain Remover
Laundress Stain Solution - we love this whole line of biodegradable, upscale cleaning products - especially this hardworking stain remover that gets out even nasty pit stains ($6/2 oz).Wool Wash
Kookaburra Wash - liquid tea tree oil wash that works great for delicates and even washes wool, so you can skip the dry cleaner ($11/16 oz).
April 14, 2008
The arrival of commercial ratings, the strength of reality TV and the growth of reliable metrics are helping open new paths in cable branded entertainment.
A more respectable profession
Now that the profession has grown in stature and respectability, cable channels and their marketing partners are engaged in much more sophisticated partnerships. Some, such as MTV, have woven shows around brands -- for example, "The Gamekillers" for Unilever's Axe body spray. The logo slapping has given way to an ability by marketers to hold back in favor of subtler tactics in placement, in the wider interests of improving engagement from TV show to commercial pod.
Boost in ad revenue
Branded entertainment also has been a booster for cable coffers. Rainbow Media cable network IFC has seen a leap in revenue, even though it runs 10 "program breaks" a day compared with a typical cable channel, which might air up to 130.
品牌置入行銷娛樂化(Branded Entertainment)是從電影電視節目開始, 打破傳統廣告製作和媒體收費模式, 這個趨勢發展出許多週邊配套服務.
或許把這個策略注入在一種小媒體(書籍, 網站)也行得通!

via :Ideal bite & Organic Avenue
Live Organic Vegan Experience(L.O.V.E.)是 Organic Avenue公司的素食排毒餐飲品牌名稱, 分成三個療程:
1. LOVEeasy™
2. LOVEfast™
3. LOVEdeep™
該公司應該說是一家位於紐約下東城區的有機綜合商店, 線上購物網站做得不錯, 產品線含括
2008年4月16日 星期三

綠色品牌觀察(16) : Pure&Nature

2. Eco-friendlier packaging.
3. Pure & Natural contributes at least $100,000 to the World Wildlife Fund each year.
4. Easy access, since it's available at tons of big retailers, such as Kroger and Wal-Mart,
2008年4月15日 星期二

NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. — Daniel J. Griffin, Eagle-Tribune Publishing Company's marketing director, has left the newspaper industry to form a communications project management firm focusing on "green" strategies for publishing and marketing.
Griffin's last day at The Eagle-Tribune's North Andover headquarters was Friday. An employee for almost 12 years, he previously served as executive editor of the company's Derry (N.H.) News and as president of Andover Content Group, an in-house communications and marketing team.
2008年4月14日 星期一

Wanna Try?
Eco-Me Home Kit - refillable, easy-measure bottles and natural organic oils make it supereasy to whip up your own cleaning supplies with household items like baking soda and vinegar ($26).
Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Carpet Cleaner - bio formula freshens up and gets odors out of your carpet, rugs, and upholstery ($7/22 oz).
Caldrea Dish Soap Liquid - concentrated and offered in six scents; we heart the ginger pomelo version ($8/16 oz).
Method Omop Starter Kit - avoid Swiffer-like waste with a washable, reusable pad plus biodegradable floor-cleaning liquid ($30).
Shaklee Get Clean Scour Off Paste - this paste works like your powder scrub - if not better - but avoids Comet-esque chem dust ($9/9 oz).
Seventh Generation Toilet Bowl Cleaner - chlorine-free throne cleaner in a partially recycled package; smells like the mountains ($4/32 oz).
Ecover Glass and Surface Cleaner - get your windows and tile gleaming with this 2-in-1, no-streak solution ($4/16 oz).
Method Wood for Good - gets grime out and brings the shine without petroleum wax ($5/12 oz).
About.com - baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar are great natural cleaners if you're into DIY.
2008年4月13日 星期日


assessing your business
obtaining certifications
developing green organizational philosophy and goals
internal communications
staff education
external environmental communications
Using our writing, editing, public speaking, and design skills, combined with our knowledge of and experience with environmental and technical issues, we can help you produce an array of materials geared to specific audiences.
Communications plans
Communications audits
Public relations strategies
News and feature articles
Blogs and other conversation marketing
Annual reports and sustainability reporting
Brochures and promotional pieces
Press releases and other materials
Tehnical reports
Fact sheets and white papers
Meeting support and facilitation
2008年4月12日 星期六
奇異公司(GE)董事長兼執行長伊梅特(Jeffrey R. Immelt)是響應美國政府強制對碳排放量設限的大企業領袖之一,不是因為他是環保人士,而是因為他認為政府遲早會實施碳排放限制,因此企業應勇於面對。以下是他接受華爾街日報專訪時對碳排放議題的看法。
green effie award: GE, Wal-Mart, HBSC
綠色品牌觀察(15): Belu

創業團隊都沒有礦泉水事業相關經驗, 基於理念熱情, 獲得許多基金會初步支持. 因為成效良好, 一直有社會型投資機構不斷增資, 例如最早支持者Untours Foundation 也是最忠實支持者.
產品訴求明確: 全英國第一瓶生物可分解包裝(玉米原料製造), 全英國第一瓶碳中和礦泉水.
2006年只有15萬英鎊營收, 2007年成長到180萬英磅.
創辦人Reed Pager先生, 在今年元月獲得英國獨立報和Schwab Foundation基金會合辦"Social Entrepreneur of the year"殊榮.
Making Your Brand the Right Shade of Green
Making Your Brand the Right Shade of Green
by Graham Hales April 7, 2008 issue
Let’s start with a fact.
Whichever terms you choose to characterize it—Going Green, Environmental Stewardship, Sustainable Development—the eco-agenda is not a fad. It’s here to stay.
Whilst some brands are actively engaged in the movement, other brands ignore it, and still others sit on the sidelines. Like any "new" aspect to a market, the eco-agenda started with a degree of hesitancy and uncertainty.
Chief Communication Officiaf for Interbrand 的這篇文章從行銷業者的角度, 明確分析, 不能忽視環保生態議題的原因, 也細述實務上難行之處, 值得深思!
2008年4月11日 星期五
加拿大綠色廣告公司Change Agency

via : http://thechronicleherald.ca/Business/1048971.html
Change is an independent firm working with brands that want to embrace sustainability. And be rewarded for it.
Change is led by Marc Stoiber. After working in a traditional ad agency environment for over 20 years, Marc Stoiber recognized a shift in consumer priorities. In short, he saw sustainability evolving into a key brand differentiator – and potentially, a key marketing advantage.
Marc Stoiber在傳統廣告公司工作20年後, 2005年創立Change廣告公司. 專注於環保永續的廣告溝通服務, Marc Stoiber先生在一場演講中指出 :
A recent study by TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, which manages the EcoLogo program launched by Ottawa in 1988 to certify green products, found that 99 per cent of 1,018 common consumer products were guilty of so-called "greenwashing."
英國麥當勞回收垃圾廚餘, 交給專家垃圾處理公司Veolia Environmental Services
Power generated from the waste was used to help heat and light local buildings, including Sheffield City Hall and a local hospital, according to the paper.
整個能源再生供應計劃, 委由政府出資獨立運作的機構Carbon Trust稽核.
這樣的運作在台灣 可能嗎?